Rupi Kaur Famous Quotes to Uplift Your Spirit

Rupi Kaur Famous Quotes to Uplift Your Spirit ..!

Welcome to our collection of poignant and evocative English poetry. Here, we delve into the soul-stirring verses of renowned poets, exploring themes of love, loss, hope, and introspection.

Our curated selection features the works of influential poets like Rupi Kaur, whose contemporary style resonates deeply with readers around the world. Whether you’re seeking solace in times of sorrow or inspiration for your own creative journey, our poetry aims to offer both comfort and reflection. Dive into our articles to discover how these powerful words can enrich your understanding and appreciation of modern poetry.

Rupi Kaur Famous Quotes to Uplift Your Spirit

I want to apologize to all the women I have called pretty before I’ve called them intelligent or brave

Rupi Kaur

You are your own soulmate

Rupi Kaur

The thing about writing is I can’t help but write about myself. I can’t help but write about what’s going on in my life

Rupi Kaur

If you were born with the weakness to fall you were born with the strength to rise

Rupi Kaur

I want to be the friend who makes you feel safe and seen and heard. I want to be the friend who makes you laugh and reminds you of your worth

Rupi Kaur

I have lost my mind. I am so happy

Rupi Kaur

I am learning to love the sound of my feet walking away from things not meant for me

Rupi Kaur

I’m afraid of forgetting the past and not being able to remember it as vividly as it happened

Rupi Kaur

I want to be a good person but sometimes I want to be a bad one

Rupi Kaur

I am a woman who wants to see the world. I want to hear all the stories and touch all the faces

Rupi Kaur

I have always wanted to be a writer. It’s the only thing I’ve ever really wanted to be

Rupi Kaur

You are not your trauma. You are not your past. You are not the things that happened to you

Rupi Kaur

I have spent so much time waiting for someone else to validate my worth when I should have been validating it myself

Rupi Kaur

I am learning to forgive myself for not being perfect

Rupi Kaur

My body is not an apology. It’s a celebration of everything I’ve been through

Rupi Kaur

I am learning to love myself and take care of myself in ways I didn’t know I needed

Rupi Kaur

I am learning to say no without feeling guilty

Rupi Kaur

I want to be remembered as someone who cared

Rupi Kaur

I am grateful for the people who love me and show me that I am worthy

Rupi Kaur

I am learning to find beauty in the broken parts of myself

Rupi Kaur

I am a work in progress, and that’s okay

Rupi Kaur

I am more than my mistakes

Rupi Kaur

I am learning to be kind to myself and not judge myself too harshly

Rupi Kaur

I want to be the person who makes you feel seen and heard

Rupi Kaur

I am learning to embrace my flaws and imperfections

I am learning to be patient with myself and my journey

I am learning to let go of the things that no longer serve me

Rupi Kaur

I want to create a life that feels good on the inside, not just one that looks good on the outside

Rupi Kaur

I am learning to trust my intuition and follow my own path

I am learning to find peace in the chaos

I am learning to let go of the need for approval from others

I am learning to value myself and my worth

I am learning to be okay with not having all the answers

I am learning to find joy in the simple things

I am learning to forgive myself for not being perfect

I am learning to love myself more every day

I am learning to let go of what no longer serves me

I am learning to embrace my journey, no matter how difficult it may be

I am learning to appreciate the present moment and not dwell on the past

I am learning to find beauty in the ordinary

I am learning to be grateful for the lessons I’ve learned along the way

I am learning to accept and love all parts of myself

I am learning to find strength in vulnerability

I am learning to be gentle with myself

I am learning to create a life that feels authentic to who I am

I am learning to value my own happiness and well-being

I am learning to let go of fear and embrace love

Rupi Kaur

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